Friday, August 29, 2014
Praying Ishâ’ before midnight…but what do we mean by midnight?
When does the time for the `Ishâ prayer come to an end? Most people say that after 12 am, you have missed the time of the prayer and have to offer it with the intention of making it up? Other people say you can offer it until the time of Fajr. Which is correct? Also, most people say if you sleep before offering `Ishâ, even for even a second then you will have missed the prayer, regardless of what time you make it. Is this true?
Answered by the Fatwa Department Research Committee - chaired by Sheikh `Abd al-Wahhâb al-Turayrî
You should offer the `Ishâ’ prayer before the night is half over. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “The time for the `Ishâ’ prayer is up to the middle of the night.” [Sahîh Muslim (964)]
This is not a fixed hour like “12 o’clock AM”. It changes throughout the year just like the prayer times do. You can know when the middle of the night is by taking the time of sunset (Maghrib) and the time of dawn (Fajr) and then determining what is halfway between.
This may sometimes be before 12 midnight, and sometimes after it.
You should be careful to offer the `Ishâ’ before half the night has passed. If, for some reason, or on account of difficulty, you fail to offer the prayer before the middle of the night, then you must pray it before the time of dawn (Fajr). Even if you pray it right before dawn, it will still be on time and will not be with the intention of making up a missed prayer (qadâ’).
However, you should only postpone your Ishâ’ prayer like that when there is a real necessity or hardship, and not make it your habit.
It is essential in any case that you offer the `Ishâ’ prayer before the time of dawn. Otherwise, you will really have missed the prayer.
It is better not to sleep until after offering the `Ishâ’ prayer, because there is a danger that you might not wake up in time. However, sleeping has nothing to do with the time of the prayer. If you sleep and wake up while there is still time to pray, then you offer your prayer normally.
And Allah knows best.
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