Thursday, January 30, 2014

Things that invalidate the fast

We would like you to give us a summary of things that invalidate the fast.

Praise be to Allaah.   
 Allaah has prescribed fasting in accordance with the highest wisdom.

He has commanded the fasting person to fast in a moderate manner, so he should not harm himself by fasting or consume anything that will invalidate the fast.

Hence the things that invalidate the fast are of two types:

Some of the things that invalidate the fast involve things coming out of the body, such as intercourse, deliberate vomiting, menstruation and cupping. These things that come out of the body weaken it. Hence Allaah has described them as being things that invalidate the fast, so that the fasting person will not combine the weakness that results from fasting with the weakness that results from these things, and thus be harmed by his fast or his fast no longer be moderate.

And some of the things that invalidate the fast involve things entering the body, such as eating and drinking. If the fasting person eats or drinks, he does not achieve the purpose of fasting.

Majmoo’ al-Fataawa, 25/248

Allaah has summed up the things that break the fast in the verse where He says (interpretation of the meaning):

“So now have sexual relations with them and seek that which Allaah has ordained for you (offspring), and eat and drink until the white thread (light) of dawn appears to you distinct from the black thread (darkness of night), then complete your Sawm (fast) till the nightfall”
[al-Baqarah 2:187]

In this verse Allaah mentions the main things that invalidate the fast, which are eating, drinking and intercourse. The other things that break the fast were mentioned by the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) in his Sunnah.

There are seven things that break the fast, as follows: 
1-     Intercourse
2-     Masturbation
3-     Eating and drinking
4-     Anything that is regarded as coming under the same heading as eating and drinking
5-     Letting blood by means of cupping and the like
6-     Vomiting deliberately
7-     Menstruation and nifaas 

The first of the things that invalidate the fast is: intercourse.

This is the most serious and the most sinful of the things that invalidate the fast.

Whoever has intercourse during the day in Ramadaan deliberately and of his or her own free will, in which the two circumcised parts meet and the tip of the penis disappears in either of the two passages, has invalidated his fast, whether he ejaculates or not. He has to repent, complete that day (i.e., not eat or drink until sunset), make up that day’s fast later on and offer a severe expiation. The evidence for that is the hadeeth narrated by Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) who said: A man came to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and said, “I am doomed, O Messenger of Allaah!” He said, “Why are you doomed?” He said, “I had intercourse with my wife (during the day) in Ramadaan.” He said, “Can you free a slave?” He said, “No.” He said, “Can you fast for two consecutive months?” He said, “No.” He said, “Can you feed sixty poor persons?” He said, “No.”…

Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 1936; Muslim, 1111.

No expiation is required for any of the things that break the fast apart from intercourse.

The second of the things that invalidate the fast is masturbation.

This means causing ejaculation or climax by using the hand etc.

The evidence that masturbation is one of the things that invalidate the fast is the words of Allaah in the hadeeth qudsi in which He says of the fasting person: “He gives up his food and drink and desire for My sake.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 1894; Muslim, 1151. Causing ejaculation comes under the heading of the desire which the fasting person gives up.

Whoever masturbates during the day in Ramadaan has to repent to Allaah and refrain from eating and drinking for the rest of the day, and he has to make up that fast later on.

If he starts to masturbate then stops without ejaculating, he has to repent, but his fast is still valid, and he does not have to make it up later because he did not ejaculate. The fasting person should keep away from everything that provokes desire and shun bad thoughts.

With regard to the emission of madhiy (prostatic fluid), the most correct view is that it does not invalidate the fast.

The third of the things that invalidate the fast is eating or drinking  
This refers to food or drink reaching the stomach via the mouth.

If anything reaches the stomach via the nose, this is like eating or drinking.

Hence the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Snuff up water deeply into the nose (when doing wudoo’), except when you are fasting.” Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 788. If water reaching the stomach via the nose did not invalidate the fast, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) would not have told those who are fasting not to snuff up water deeply into the nose.

The fourth of the things that invalidate the fast is anything that is regarded as coming under the same heading as eating and drinking

This includes two things: 

1-     Transfusion of blood to one who is fasting – such as if he bleeds heavily and is given a blood transfusion. This invalidates the fast because blood is formed from food and drink.

2-     Receiving via a needle (as in the case of a drip) nourishing substances which take the place of food and drink, because this is the same as food and drink. Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen, Majaalis Shahr Ramadaan, p/ 70. 

With regard to injections which do not replace food and drink, rather they are administered for the purpose of medical treatment – such as penicillin or insulin – or are given to energize the body, or for the purpose of vaccinations, these do not affect the fast, whether they are intravenous or intramuscular (injected into a vein or a muscle). Fataawa Muhammad ibn Ibraaheem, 4/189. But to be on the safe side, these injections may be given at night.

Kidney dialysis, in which blood is extracted, cleaned and then returned to the body with the additional of chemical substances such as sugars and salts etc. is regarded as invalidating the fast. Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah, 10/19

The fifth of the things that invalidate the fast is letting blood by means of cupping

Because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The cupper and the one for whom cupping is done have both invalidated their fast.” Narrated by Abu Dawood, 2367; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood, 2047.

Donating blood comes under the same heading as cupping, because it affects the body in the same way.

Based on this, it is not permissible for a person who is fasting to donate blood unless it is essential, in which case it is permissible. In that case the donor has broken his fast and must make up that day later on. Ibn ‘Uthaymeen, Majaalis Shahr Ramadaan, p. 71

If a person suffers a nosebleed, his fast is valid, because that happened involuntarily. Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah, 10/264

With regard to bleeding that results from extraction of a tooth, surgery or a blood test etc., that does not invalidate the fast because it is not cupping or something that is similar to cupping, unless it has an effect on the body similar to that of cupping.

The sixth of the things that invalidate the fast is vomiting deliberately  
Because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever vomits involuntarily does not have to make up the fast, but whoever vomits deliberately let him make up the fast.” Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 720, classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Tirmidhi, 577. 

Ibn al-Mundhir said: The scholars are agreed that the fast of one who vomits deliberately is invalidated. Al-Mughni, 4/368. 

Whoever vomits deliberately by sticking his finger in his throat, pressing his stomach, deliberately smelling something nasty or persisting in looking at something that makes him vomit, has to make up his fast later on. 

If his gorge rises, he should not suppress it, because that will harm him. Majaalis Sharh Ramadaan, Ibn ‘Uthaymeen, p. 71. 

The seventh of the things that invalidate the fast is the blood of menses and nifaas 

Because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Is it not the case that when she gets her period, she does not pray or fast?” Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 304. 

When a woman sees the blood of her period or nifaas (post-partum bleeding), her fast becomes invalid even if that is one moment before sunset. 

If a woman feels that her period has started but no blood comes out until after sunset, her fast is still valid. 

If the bleeding of a woman who is menstruating or in nifaas ceases at night and she has the intention of fasting, then dawn comes before she does ghusl, the view of all the scholars is that her fast is valid. Al-Fath, 4/148. 

It is preferable for a woman to keep to her natural cycle and to accept that which Allaah has decreed for her, and not to take any medicine to prevent her period. She should accept what Allaah has decreed for her of not fasting during her period, and make up those days later on. This is what the Mothers of the Believers and the women of the Salaf used to do. Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah, 10/151. In addition, it has been medically proven that these means of preventing menstruation are harmful and many women have suffered menstrual irregularities as a result. If a woman takes pills and her period stops as a result, that is fine, she can fast and her fast is acceptable.  

These are things that invalidate the fast. All of them – apart from menses and nifaas – only invalidate the fast if three conditions are met: that the person was aware of the ruling and not ignorant of it; that he did it knowingly and not out of forgetfulness; and that he did it by choice and was not forced to do it. 

We should also note some things that do not invalidate the fast: 

Enemas, eyedrops, eardrops, tooth extraction and treatment of injuries do not invalidate the fast. Majmoo’ Fataawa Shaykh al-Islam, 25/233; 25/245 

Medical tablets that are placed under the tongue to treat asthma attacks etc, so long as you avoid swallowing any residue. 

Insertion of anything into the vagina such as pessaries, or a speculum, or the doctor’s fingers for the purpose of medical examination

Insertion of medical instruments or IUD into the womb. 

Anything that enters the urinary tract of a male or female, such as a catheter tube, or medical scopes, or opaque dyes inserted for the purpose of x-rays, or medicine, or a solution to wash the bladder. 

Fillings, extractions or cleaning of the teeth, whether with a siwaak or toothbrush, so long as you avoid swallowing anything that reaches the throat.  

Rinsing the mouth, gargling, sprays etc. so long as you avoid swallowing anything that reaches the throat.  

Oxygen or anaesthetic gases, so long as that does not give the patient any kind of nourishment. 

Anything that may enter the body via absorption through the skin, such as creams, poultices, etc.  

Insertion of a fine tube via the veins for diagnostic imaging or treatment of the veins of the heart or any part of the body. 

Insertion of a scope through the stomach wall to examine the intestines by means of a surgical operation (laparoscopy). 

Taking samples from the liver or any other part of the body, so long as that is not accompanied by administration of solutions. 

Endoscopy, so long as that is not accompanied by administration of solutions or other substances. 

Introduction of any medical instruments or materials to the brain or spinal column. 
And Allaah knows best. 

See Majaalis Ramadaan by Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen, and the booklet Sab’oona Mas’alah fi’l-Siyaam. 

Related links: 
  1. Is it permissible using Toothpaste while Fasting? Dr.Zakir Naik 
  2. 15 common mistakes during Ramadan . Dr. Zakir Naik 

  3. Is Ramadhan Taraweeh 8 or 20 Rakat by Dr Zakir Naik

  4. Is Taraweeh 8 or 20 Rakah - Sh.Yasir Qadh


Monday, January 20, 2014

How do I make up for missed fasting days during Ramadan?

Question: How do I make up for missed fasting days during Ramadan?

During Ramadan, accommodations can be made when someone is unable to fast because of sickness or other health reasons. However, it is necessary to either make up the days later, if possible, or expiate in other ways.


For some people, fasting during Ramadan would be detrimental to their health. The Quran recognizes this in Surah Baqarah: "But if any of you is ill, or on a journey, the prescribed number (of Ramadan days) should be made up from days later. For those who cannot do this except with hardship is a ransom: the feeding of one that is indigent.... Allah intends every ease for you; He does not want to put you to difficulties...." (Quran 2:184-185).

Islamic scholars have summarized the rules as follows:
  • If someone is temporarily sick or has a condition that resolves later (such as with the flu or pregnancy), one should make up each day of Ramadan missed with another day of fasting later, a day for a day, at any other time of year. These days need not be continuous. One should try to make up these days as soon as it is possible for fasting to resume, but certainly before the beginning of the next year's Ramadan.

  • If someone has a chronic health condition that is not expected to resolve, one should share in charity enough to feed one person for each day of the fasting month.

  • If someone deliberately breaks the fast, or misses a day of fasting for no legitimate reason, it is also necessary to also make up the missed day later. In the case when someone breaks the fast by engaging in sexual intercourse, one must also observe a penalty: fasting 60 continuous days, or feeding 60 poor people.     

Related links:

1. Prescribed Fasting: Details of the Fiqh

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Islam prohibits backbiting and slandering

Major sins are indeed the cause for all misery, evil and torment in this world and the hereafter.

And the worst of all sins are those that are greatest in harm and danger to humanity. Among the destructive major sins are backbiting and slandering. These two sins are forbidden by Allah because they sow enmity, evils and discord among people and lead to destruction. They cause hostilities between people of the same household and between neighbors and relatives. They can decrease in good deeds and increase in evil ones and lead to dishonor and ignominy.

Backbiting and slandering are shame and disgrace. Their perpetrator is detested and he shall not have a noble death. Allah forbids these acts, as He says in the Qur'an:

"Backbiting and Gossiping are from the most vilest and despicable of things, yet the most widely spread amongst mankind, such that no one is free from it except for a few people."

Backbiting (gheebah) means mentioning something about a person (in his absence), that he hates (to have mentioned), whether it is about: His body, his religious characteristics, his worldly affairs, his self, his physical appearance, his character, his wealth, his child, his father, his wife, his manner of walking, his smile, it is the same whether you mention that about him with words, through writings, or whether you point or indicate him by gesturing with your eyes, hand or head.

As for the body, is when you make fun of how someone looks, or mentioning any bad quality in him, as saying: "he is blind", "he limps", "he is bleary-eyed", "he is bald", "he is short", "he is tall", "he is black", "he is yellow", "he's too thin", "he's too fat". As for his religious qualities, it is when you say: "he is a sinner", "he is a thief", "he is a betrayer", "he is an oppressor", "he doesn't pray", "he prays so fast", "he does not behave well towards his parents", "he does not pay the Zakat duly"." As for the worldly matters, then it is when you say: "he has poor manners", "he does not think that anyone has a right over him", "he talks too much" …etc

Allah says in the Qur'an:

"O you who believe! Avoid much suspicion, in deeds some suspicions are sins. And spy not neither backbite one another. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? You would hate it (so hate backbiting). And fear Allah, verily, Allah is The One Who accepts repentance, Most Merciful" (Qur'an 49: 12)

In this verse, Allah strongly forbids backbiting, and he compares the backbiter to one who eats the flesh of his dead brother. If he would hate eating the flesh of his brother, he should also hate to eat his flesh while he is alive by backbiting and slandering him.

When one reflects deeply over this assimilation it will be enough to keep one away from backbiting.

Abu Hurayrah (May Allah be pleased with him) narrated that Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said:

"Do you know what backbiting is?” They said, “Allah and His Messenger know best.” He then said, “It is to say something about your brother that he would dislike.” Someone asked him, “But what if what I say is true?” The Messenger of Allah said, “If what you say about him is true, you are backbiting him, but if it is not true then you have slandered him."

Backbiting is so widespread among people that it has become an issue of people’s meetings and an avenue for expressing their anger, misgivings and jealousy. Those who indulge in backbiting are hiding their own imperfections and harming others. They are oblivious of the fact that they are only harming themselves.

This is because the backbiter if the wrongdoer and his victim is the wronged, on the Day of Resurrection both the wrongdoer and the wronged will stand before Allah Who is the Just Judge and the wronged will appeal to Allah to avenge the wrong done to him, Allah will then give this wronged person from the good deeds of the person who wronged him in accordance with his wrong by backbiting his brother on a Day that no father will give his son any of his good deeds nor a friend to his friend. All will be saying, ‘Myself, myself.’

Ibn 'Abbas (May Allah be pleased with him) reported that Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) once passed by two graves and said:

"Verily, they (occupants of graves) are both being tormented and they are not being tormented for something major." In the report from Al-Bukhari:

"Rather, it is indeed something major. As for the first one, he used to go around spreading gossip (nameemah) and as for the other, and then he used not to protect himself from his own urine." [2] 

The scholars say the meaning of "and they are not being tormented for something major" is "something major" according to their opinion or "something major" for them to have abandoned doing. 

Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) also said:

"Who protects his tongue from unlawful utterances and his private parts from illegal sexual intercourse; I shall guarantee him entrance into Paradise."

Also Abu Mousa Al-Ash’aree narrated that Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said:

"I asked the Messenger of Allah: Who is the best Muslim? The Messenger of Allah replied, "He is the one from whom Muslims are safe from the evil of his tongue and hands."

And Abu Sa’eed Al-Khudree narrated that Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said:

"When man wakes up in the morning each day, all parts of the body warn the tongue saying, ‘Fear Allah as regards us for we are at your mercy; if you are upright, we will be upright and if you are crooked, we become crooked."

So, Muslims, you should beware of slipping of your tongues and do not give it free hand to wreak havoc on you. For a too free tongue destroys its owner and causes him calamities and evils.

Islam is not about hijab or Nikab and growing long goaty beard.


Islam is not about hijab or nikab and growing long goaty beard. Those who think so are seriously mislead and mistaken. Islam has nothing to do with such traditional personal choices and practices. 

There is not a single Aya in the Holy Qur'an that says that you should or must grow beard. Instead, the Qur'an say to men to lower their gaze and be modest and to women to lower their gaze too and cover their chest to not reveal their bosoms (breasts). 

“Tell the believing men to lower their gaze and be modest. That is purer for them. Lo! Allah is aware of what they do”. sūrat l-nūr Verse (24:30) 

“And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and be modest, and to display of their adornment only that which is apparent, and to draw their veils over their bosoms, and not to reveal their adornment”… sūrat l-nūr Verse (24:31).

Islam is about believing in Allah (swt), the creator and sustainer of all worlds and associating no partner with Him, believing in His books, His messengers, His angels and on the day of judgement, worshipping Him alone 5 times a day, 7 days a week, fasting in the month of Ramdan, performing hajj (if one can afford it), paying the Zakat (the poor due), earning Hilal Rizq (food and sustenance, earned legally through hard work, without cheating, kickbacks and bribery), standing up firm for justice and fairness, working for peace and harmony and respecting and honoring each other's opinion and beliefs without any discrimination, bullying and coercion.